Yellowstone Volcano Eruption

(Blog 0007


The Yellowstone volcano has been called a “supervolcano” – because it is capable of the largest eruptions in the world, far exceeding those of any volcano in in the memory of anyone alive today.  This is because Yellowstone is far different from any other volcano.  It is a volcano based on a vent/hotspot up through the tectonic plate of a continent (lithosphere) and it therefore involves volcanic magma that is deeper and much thicker (granitic magma) and capable of holding back much more explosive power of compressed and trapped gases until it is explosively released.  Granitic magma is much more explosive than other magma typically involved in eruptions (basaltic and andesitic magma).  Yellowstone also involves a much larger area erupting when it does erupt – so there is much more of the earth that gets explosively hurled into the sky when it does erupt.  Most volcanoes involve a vent up through one volcanic mountain.  Yellowstone involves a very large canyon of sorts that has erupted before, a caldera.  Previous eruptions formed the Snake River Valley – blowing out sections of mountain ranges each time.  Studies of the area of ash deposits from previous eruptions show that it deposited volcanic materials over a 1500-mile swath, with a 600-mile radius being the conservative estimate.  Previous eruptions killed grazing animals far from the eruption.     


God had me go through a whole college-level video geology course by an award-winning professor and textbook author and study other respected sources to learn about this.  This is not from sensational reports in the media or unknown people on the internet.  This is my summation of a lot of scientific and historical fact.  God wanted me to know the facts when I warn people of this coming.  I visited Yellowstone three different times over the years.  In 2011 God showed me a vision in which I saw a boiling “mud pot” common at Yellowstone and said, “Remember where those are?”  I knew they were at Yellowstone National Park.  Then I was startled by a vision of what seemed to be that area erupting explosively as seen at a distance.  In 2016, God had me study through the geology course but then watch the lectures on volcanoes again and said, “Volcanoes – they’re important,” then he added, “They’re coming – devastating.” In mid 2019, God had me developing a list of things coming to give to leaders and said, “Yellowstone – massive eruption.”


In previous volcanic eruptions, ash and dust have been carried around the world and affected world climate – like Tambora in the Indonesian archipelago that erupted in 1815.  1816 was “the year without a summer” – it snowed on July 4th in New York.  That eruption affected the whole world – with crop failures and associated starvation – but it was much smaller than Yellowstone’s eruptions have been.


As to timing, God said the Yellowstone eruption is “a long way off,” but that I was to warn now to let people adjust.  Getting an understanding of what will happen and beginning to plan for how to lessen the impact would seem to be the goal.  If we have plans that include evacuating people and livestock before the deadly ash arrives, the affects would be much less devastating.  Given the likely impact on world climate, nations must plan for storing sufficient grain to supply needs until crops can again be planted and harvested.  Then there is the need to plan for how to replace the highly productive farmland that would be rendered unproductive for some time.  All these things take time, so it is good that we have time.  It is God’s mercy to warn us, as he warned Pharaoh and Joseph in the book of Genesis so that people could have food through seven years of famine starting seven years out.  The nation that prepared was not just protected but greatly blessed by doing so.


(Note:  I relied on the “Great Courses” course from The Teaching Company, “The Nature of Earth: An Introduction to Geology” by Professor John J. Renton of W. Va. University as the basis for much of what I say here.) 


© Copyright 2021 by Andrew G. Hadden.  Permission is hereby granted to copy and repost or otherwise distribute this document, or an accurate translation of it, in its entirety.